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Homework Help

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Homework Help

Haber: Your Essential Tool for Building Strong Spanish Sentences.

For English native speakers learning Spanish, mastering the use of haber can be challenging, but with patience and practice, it can become a powerful tool in communicating effectively in Spanish.
July 31, 2022
Homework Help

How Second Language Learners Can Set Realistic and Achievable Goals

Applying the "long term patient, short term impatient" mindset to second language acquisition
Austin Meusch
December 8, 2022
Homework Help

Songs in Spanish Vol. 3

Here's a song in Spanish about love, or rather broken-hearted 💔 with English translation!
Austin Meusch
July 27, 2022
Homework Help

The Power of 'Ya': How to Use It in Different Contexts in Spanish

Are you having trouble figuring out how to use the word "ya" in Spanish?
July 30, 2022
Homework Help

Learn What Not to Pronounce in French

In the video lesson, Alexa Polidoro gives learners great tips on the letters you should NOT pronounce at the end of a French words.
Austin Meusch
August 2, 2022
Homework Help

Spanish Grammar 101: Present Perfect Tense Explained

In Spanish, the present perfect tense is one of the most important tenses to learn.
July 26, 2021
Homework Help

Understanding the Differences between Adjectives and Adverbs in Spanish and English

Mastering the use of adjectives and adverbs in Spanish can take your communication skills to the next level,
June 30, 2021
Homework Help

Learn to Say Hello and Goodbye in Hindi

Video Lesson | 4 words/phrases | 2 minutes | Assignable
Austin Meusch
July 30, 2022
Homework Help

Speak Like a Native: How Spanish Idioms Can Take Your Fluency to the Next Level

Do you feel like you're not quite understanding Spanish, even though you've been studying it for a while now?
Austin Meusch
July 24, 2021
Homework Help

How to Overcome Foreign Language Anxiety

You’ve probably heard other teachers, professors, and business professionals discuss the advantages of knowing a second language in the...
Austin Meusch
July 7, 2021
Homework Help

Ir: The Simplest Way to Talk About the Future in Spanish

As a Spanish learner, you might find yourself struggling with the future tense. It's understandable - the future tense is often considered..
June 30, 2021
Homework Help

Don't Get Lost in Translation: Using Indirect Objects Correctly in Spanish

Are you struggling to master indirect objects in Spanish? Don't worry, we're here to help! In this blog post, we'll provide you with..
July 21, 2021

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