Speak Like a Native: How Spanish Idioms Can Take Your Fluency to the Next Level

Austin Meusch
July 24, 2021

Do you feel like you're not quite understanding Spanish, even though you've been studying it for a while now? It could be because you're missing out on one of the most important parts of the language: idioms. Idioms are phrases that have a meaning different from their literal translation, and they're an essential part of any language. Understanding Spanish idioms will help you communicate more effectively and sound more natural when speaking with native speakers.

What are Idioms?

Idioms are common phrases that are understood to have a different meaning than what their words may suggest. They're often unique to a specific language or culture and can be challenging for language learners to understand. Spanish has many idioms that are used in daily conversations, making it crucial for learners to have a good grasp of them.

Why Learn Idioms?

Learning Spanish idioms may seem like a daunting task, but it's an essential part of mastering the language. Idioms are expressions that have a meaning unrelated to their literal interpretation, which can make them challenging to understand. However, once you learn common idioms and commit them to memory, you'll be able to use them to convey complex ideas and emotions with ease.Knowing and using Spanish idioms can also help you sound more like a native speaker, and it demonstrates your deep understanding of the language and its cultural context. Idioms are deeply rooted in Spanish culture, and using them correctly can help you connect with Spanish-speaking people on a deeper level.In addition, idioms can help you express yourself more creatively and effectively, making your speech or writing more engaging and memorable. Finally, understanding and using idioms can be a fun and rewarding experience, giving you a unique insight into the Spanish language and culture.

Top 10 Common Idioms Used in Daily Conversation

Learning idioms may be challenging, but it doesn't have to be boring. Here are the ten most common idioms used in daily conversation, with their literal translations and meanings:

  1. Quien no arriesga, no gana - Who doesn’t risk, doesn’t win - Nothing ventured, nothing gained
  2. Estar como una cabra - To be like a goat - To be crazy
  3. No buscarle las pulgas al perro - Don’t look for fleas on the dog - Let sleeping dogs lie
  4. Feliz como unas castañuelas - Happy as castanets - Happy as a clam
  5. No dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy - Don’t leave for tomorrow that which you can do today - Don’t put off till tomorrow what can be done today
  6. Irse por las ramas - To go by the branches - To beat around the bush
  7. Quien fue a Sevilla, perdió su silla - He who went to Sevilla, lost his seat - You snooze, you lose
  8. Hacer el mono - To do the monkey - To monkey around
  9. Muchos generales para tan pocos soldados - Many generals for so few soldiers - Too many chiefs, not enough Indians
  10. A caballo regalado no le mires el diente - A gifted horse, don’t look at the teeth - Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth

Tener is a common verb in Spanish and is used in many idiomatic expressions. Here are some common idioms that use the verb tener:

Spanish Idioms With Tener

The verb "tener" is commonly used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish, and learning these expressions can help you to sound more natural in your speech. Here are a few idioms that use the verb "tener":Spanish Idioms with Tener l

  • Tener frío: To be cold
  • Tener éxito: To succeed or have success
  • Tener calor: To be hot
  • Tener la palabra: To have the floor (to speak)
  • Tener años: To be years old
  • Tener ganas: To want or desire something
  • Tener cuidado: To be careful
  • Tener la culpa: To take the blame or be at fault
  • Estar celoso: To be jealous
  • Tener envidia: To be envious
  • Tener dolor de cabeza: To have a headache
  • Tener hambre: To be hungry

Spanish Idioms with Tener II ↗In addition to the above idioms, here are some more common Spanish expressions that use the verb "tener":

  • Tener miedo de: To be afraid of
  • Tener vergüenza: To be ashamed
  • Tener suerte: To be lucky
  • Tener rabia: To be in a rage or very angry
  • Tener por: To take someone for or consider someone to be
  • Tener sed: To be thirsty
  • Tener mala cara: To look bad
  • Tener que ver con: To have to do with
  • Tener prisa: To be in a hurry
  • Tener sueño: To be sleepy
  • Tener mucho/poco/algo/nada que hacer: To have a lot/little/something/nothing to do
  • Tener razón: To be right
  • Tener lugar: To take place

Idioms with Llevar, Meter and Poder ↗The verbs "llevar," "meter," and "poder" are also commonly used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few examples:

  • Meter la pata: To put one's foot in one's mouth
  • Meterse donde no te llaman: To meddle in other people's business
  • Poner en claro: To make something clear
  • Llevar (algo): To carry (something) away
  • Poner las cartas sobre la mesa: To put all the cards on the table
  • Llevar a cabo: To carry out
  • Poner pleito: To sue someone
  • Tomar el punto de vista opuesto: To take the opposite point of view
  • Llevarse bien/mal con: To get along well/badly with someone
  • Ponerse a: To start to do something
  • Alabar a alguien: To heap praise on someone
  • Hacer el ridículo: To make a fool of oneself
  • Meter las narices: To snoop around
  • Poner en duda: To cast doubt on something

Idioms with Prepositions I and II ↗Prepositions are also commonly used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few examples:

  • Al aire libre: In the open air
  • A través de: Across
  • A la derecha: To the right
  • De buen humor: In a good mood
  • A lo mejor: Probably
  • Al mismo tiempo: At the same time
  • A pie: On foot
  • Al principio: At the beginning
  • Al revés: Inside out or upside down
  • En la distancia: In the distance
  • De buena gana: Willingly
  • A principios de: At the beginning of

Understanding these idioms will help you express yourself more accurately and clearly when speaking Spanish.

Austin Meusch
Jul 24, 2021
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