

Elevate your teaching materials with enriching video content from YouTube. Enliven your lessons and captivate your students.

Revitalize Lessons with Dynamic Video Integration

Seamless YouTube Integration with Speakable

Dynamic Learning Experiences

Elevate lessons with captivating video content. Speakable facilitates easy integration, bringing educational YouTube videos directly into activities for enhanced engagement.

Simple Integration Process

Empower teachers with efficiency. Within the Speakable builder, educators can seamlessly search YouTube and embed videos into activities without navigating away from the platform.

Enhanced Visual Learning

Immerse learners in multimedia experiences. The YouTube Integration feature allows teachers to effortlessly incorporate relevant videos, enriching lessons and captivating student attention.

Uninterrupted Workflow

Stay in the creative flow. Speakable's YouTube Integration ensures a smooth experience for teachers, enabling them to enhance activities with curated video content without disrupting their workflow.

Benefits for Teachers

  • Search and add videos without switching sites
  • Easily incorporate video into lessons
  • Provides engaging supplementary content
  • Saves time versus manually managing embeds

Benefits for Students

  • Participate in multimedia, interactive lessons
  • Engages diverse learning styles
  • Boosts engagement and motivation

Get Started

Key Features

  • Search YouTube's expansive video library
  • Embed videos by pasting any YouTube URL
  • Videos play within the assignment as intended

Bring Lessons to Life

With YouTube integration, amplify student engagement by incorporating dynamic videos into your activities with ease

Get Started

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