August 30, 2024
Guide: Creating Spaces
This guide provides a step-by-step overview for educators on how to create and manage Spaces in Speakable.

Creating Spaces in Speakable allows educators to collaborate, share activities, and organize content effectively within their organization. This guide will walk you through the steps to create and manage Spaces, add members, and utilize the features available within a Space.

1. Navigating to the Spaces Page

Start by navigating to the Spaces page on your Speakable dashboard.

2. Creating a New Space

To create a new Space, click the Create Space button.

3. Configure Your Space Settings

Once you’ve clicked Create Space, you’ll be prompted to configure the settings for your new Space.

  • Name: Provide a unique name for your Space.
  • Description: Add a brief description to outline the purpose or focus of the Space.

4. Optional Customization

You can further customize your Space by adding a profile image and selecting a banner gradient to enhance its visual appeal.

5. Add Members to Your Space

To collaborate effectively, add members from your organization to the Space. You can select existing users or enter email addresses to send invitations.

6. Managing Your Space

After creating your Space, you’ll be directed to the Space dashboard where you can start organizing content and collaborating with members.

7. Adding Folders and Activities

Add Activities

To add activities, navigate to the Content tab and select Add Activity. You can then search your library and select the activities you want to add to the Space.

Create Folders

To create a new folder, click on + New Content and select Folder. This will help you organize your activities within the Space.

8. Managing Members

To view and manage the members in your Space, select the Members tab. Use the Add Members button to invite more people to join your Space.

9. Updating Space Settings

You can update the name, description, profile image, and other settings by navigating to the Settings tab.

10. Engaging with Members in the Feed Tab

The Feed tab allows you to post activities with comments and share new creations with your peers, fostering collaboration and discussion within the Space.

11. Adding Activities from Discover or Your Library

You can also add activities directly from the Discover page or your Library to your Space, ensuring a diverse range of resources for members.