August 29, 2024
Guide: Creating Rubrics
This guide provides a step-by-step overview for educators on how to create and manage rubrics within Speakable.

Rubrics in Speakable are used for auto-grading student submissions. This feature is available exclusively on organization plans. This guide will walk you through the process of creating, customizing, and applying rubrics within the Speakable activity builder.

1. Accessing the Rubric Builder

To create a rubric, begin by adding a respond student action to your activity. Then, navigate to the Auto-Grading tab and select Rubric-Based Grading from the dropdown menu.

2. Selecting and Modifying a Standard Rubric

By default, a standard rubric is added to your activity. To customize this rubric, click on the rubric itself to open the Rubric Builder.

3. Customizing Your Rubric

With the Rubric Builder open, you have two options for customization:

Manual Editing: Click directly within any section of the rubric to modify the criteria or descriptors.

AI Assistance: Use the AI Builder to suggest changes. Simply describe the modifications you want and click the Update button.

4. Creating a New Rubric from Scratch

If you want to create a completely new rubric, click on the Create New Rubric button.

You can choose to:

Generate a New Rubric Using AI: Speakable’s AI can create a rubric based on your specifications.

Build a Rubric Manually from Scratch: Start from a blank template and define your own criteria and scoring.

5. Managing Your Rubric Library

All rubrics you create are stored in your Rubric Library, which can be accessed from the left sidebar.

With the Rubric library open, you can select rubrics to edit or use them.

6. Applying Your Rubric

When choosing a rubric to use, you can apply it to:

The Current Card/Page: Apply the rubric to the specific respond action you’re working on.

The Entire Activity: Use the rubric for all respond actions in the activity.

Set as Default: Make the rubric the default choice for all future activities.

7. Auto-Grading and Reviewing Student Submissions

The selected rubric will be used to auto-grade student submissions. Results can be viewed in the Assignment Results section.

Teachers retain full control over the final grades, with the ability to adjust scores and provide justifications as needed.